Greenery and Sunlight in the Morning View


A feeling is always beautiful when you see something decent. Even carrying a heavy burden with worried minds, they are not forgotten but can be ignored. At least for a short time, it helps us to keep going and find hope to be positive in life. Not talking to anyone but it makes us understand what we should do better and what we should think better. This is reality, challenges and obstacles are just spices of life to taste better.


With a wider view and peaceful environment, no one can think of ugly days in life. Hence, good ones, whether they are just memories or the present ones. A lot of quotes I heard and read about, “Don’t be in a crowded place if you don’t want to feel troubled.” Companions with people might be good but when spending too much time. You will see the dark side of society that seems toxic to someone.


It’s not for me to talk about it since I spend most of my time by myself. Well, I found it addictive and very comforting. Don’t be fooled by those thoughts that people who are always alone are the saddest. It’s not true, in fact, they might not be the happiest but for sure not the saddest. Being alone, enjoying the beautiful view of nature is the best feeling you could ever have. No one will ruin the mood because it’s just you and nature itself.


It was Sunday in the morning, after I attended a mass earlier. The greenery and the sunlight from the sun that was still rising stopped me from going. I paused and spent a short time watching the very soothing view. The rice fields with the crops shone from the sun’s light early in the morning. What an astonishing view seeing the rice crops so graceful as it moves when the chilling wind from the mountain blew. I felt pleased with such beautiful scenery. It can always be seen when you’re in the province but I never get tired of seeing this and feeling it.


“I was imagining.”


So many things that came to mind that I can’t recall it now. From what I remember, everything was on my mind at that time but of course the good ones and the pleasant ones. There is no way I’d think of negative things when I know to myself that I was happy to be there. Just random thoughts, a sign of a person doesn’t need anything at that time.


“I was thankful.”


Even though no one was there to talk to I could tell that I was thankful for being there and seeing that kind of view. It’s always a view but there were times I couldn’t see when days get tougher and busier battling to have a better life. Or maybe to make sure there is always food on the table to eat. Yeah, we should always be thankful for little to have bigger things in the future.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul was born in Macrohon, Southern Leyte but currently living in Cahayag, San Francisco Southern Leyte. He graduated the course of a BS Mar-E or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in 2019. Although writing is his passion so instead of sailing he decided on writing.

He writes occasionally about random stuff he would see in the outside world. He loves to express what he feels through writing because he's not good at speaking personally.

He also writes fictional stories and emotions because he thinks life matters. He is hoping that his words could reach someone who might be feeling down.

Join me and support me through my adventures not just to the world but also to the human minds not to hate being alive.

You can find me here:

discord - mrnightmare89#2161
