A man at work - Screen Shots from Hive Fest

So here is one of the latest update before me posting the video from @hivefest , at this moment I'm in the stage where I got my second draft from the editor - what is left is only add some raw footage from the mobile phones and finally colour grading, some touches and magical finishes as well as sound design. I'm back and forth with my editor and we are aiming to finish it within next week. So exciting time, as planning to drop the video of the amazing event in Mexico, Rosarito just because christmas so we also see what is xmas for Hive'ians.

Meanwhile I would like to show some still images from the footage of polishing (literally something what I do now with the video) of how the trophy for poker event was made by @dylanhobalart


Look at those details and amazing steem - hive FORK




Awesome! Thanks for this!

though it was the weirdest DIY barbecue 😄

Well you need to meet Dylan then you understand ;)

Can’t wait!
Love these shots of Dylan and the Brand!

Thanks Man !