Strong portrait - Straight out of Camera - FRONT ROOM

So while I'm trying to reach my deep files in my old harddrives I found some of great images those, which I never ever shared anywhere. Yet they are so good to not be shared, reason why I'm posting it here.

I've got a friend who asked me - IS THIS AI Image? , Surprisingly NOT , it's pure portrait image done with the camera, background is 100% real and this series was named "Front Room" in this picture I didn't even use Photoshop, the editing is a little bit colour grading and tweaks in Lightroom.

Please take a look and tell me what do you think about this style of portrait. I definitely will post more out of my backlog and I will explain why I actually post them in future posts.



I also thought it was an AI-generated image! but after looking at the background, the television, and the lampshade I rescinded that idea. It is a great shot.

@pinkhub look this one's a good shot with the lighting and all.

My honest 2-cent opinion

For the AI Image I honestly can't really say coz AI's are so good at it as of today. I recently joined a photography contest from Canon and even their experts can't tell the difference between a real photography shot vs an AI generated one. The only real proof that your image is real and not an AI generated one is if you can cough out the raw files as most (decent) photographers would almost all the time shoot raw (just for the enhanced editing capabilities)

As for the shot, composition and lighting, yes this is really good shoot and I love it. I honestly would love to be as good as the one who shot this. I'm guessing he/she used a softbox with this one as seen the light didn't spread out to the background. People might think this might be AI because of how popped out the subject is but honestly any good photographer can do this as I've seen similar images from my photographer friends which I'm honestly quite envious with... I can't produce images like these yet and I would love to get there someday. As of now I'm more of a natural light photographer but I do own a speedlite so I might practice doing something like this 😁

The title is misleading though coz the title says "Straight out of Camera" but he clearly stated
"the editing is a little bit colour grading and tweaks in Lightroom." but doesn't "Straight out of Camera" means you haven't edited the photo? I'm just new to photography so I might be wrong but my common sense tells me otherwise.

Once again this is just a newbie photographers 2 cent opinion. I'm not a master photographer and I could be wrong 😅

a speedlite so I might practice doing som

  1. I used two light sources for that image, one is side light and main light is a beauty dish
  2. It's more that light control make this image shaping and pop out, bare in mind this image is 10 years old and I just dug it, today camera with better colour science, sharpness surely can create this effect easier, you could also do it in photoshop, but that would take time or as we all said in AI.
  3. Straight from the camera - well If you know how tethering works then you would know, that you can apply preset and while you shooting the image comes with the preset you apply. Otherwise in theory non-picture is actual straight from the camera - because all cameras got software build in , the only way to have purity it's probably analogue camera and film itself - my proces in lightroom is treated as I used to do with film in darkroom, if you ever have chance to work in darkroom you would understand that when developing images you will apply contrast, brightness tones and so on

First and foremost thank you for the explanation

It's more that light control make this image shaping and pop out

I agree and as I've learned more about photography I've learned that photography is more in controlling light. Honestly I haven't learned this one yet as I'm more of a natural light photographer but like I said hopefully I'll get there soon.

well If you know how tethering works then you would know, that you can apply preset and while you shooting the image comes with the preset you apply

I have no idea what that means but I think I have seen this one in action coz I have a friend who does photobooths and I was curious how the heck does the images from the camera looked so good without editing it in lightroom/photoshop. After he takes the pictures he just prints it out like nothing and it looked amazing for a straight out of camera shot.

Once again thank you for the detailed explanation. As I said I'm new to photography so I really appreciate it 🥰