When Brutalism meets me - Mobile Photography Walk

One of the cool things I love to photograph it's the brutalism or soviet style of architecture. Big blocks of concrete, no colours or live, lack of imagination and something which make you powerless, those building aren't easy to find everywhere, usually hard to find in western europe or USA. One of the popular spot for brutalism is for example Belgrade, however you can find it in other post soviet countries such as Ukraine, Poland or Czech republic.

I recently been to small city Ostrava in Czech Republic, walking through the city I've notice plenty abandoned building or those which never been taken care of. It's kind of interesting feel the spirit or rather no spirit of the society throughout the buildings.

Luckily there is no more this narrative in Czechia and people are not transmit this sad, gray and dull feelings as you can see in some places there.

I have to say that my specific style and personal presets made by me add to the photos more this colourless feeling, however it represent how I see some things.

Here is series from my photowalk, all images been taken using mobile phone.









Really cool shoots i loved the colorgrading you did! that's beautiful!

I love brutalism. But I only started appreciating it pretty late. Back in Kharkov there is so much soviet-brutalist architecture that it easily blended into being just "depressing soviet architecture". The neo-gothic and other styles always became the highlight. It is now a very niche and expensive style of architecture in the USA, more and more rich people are getting into it. but it cannot rival the authentic ones like you saw in Czech and the others in Eastern Europe.

What a beautiful graffiti!