Photography Lover | About Someone Robber


A robberfly at dusk, enjoying the atmosphere before the horizon in the west completely reddens to fetch darkness. A robberfly is like any other living creature that needs friends, lovers and even a mistress if that's what it takes to keep its life going. For a male robberfly, he will not give up on a life that is difficult and almost desolate for him.

On a twig, the elegant sunglasses-wearing robberfly muses about the universe. This beautiful nature should not be polluted by human hands. Everywhere they build factories, cutting down forests with abandon. Perhaps Robberfly is a fly that is more dashing than the rest of its kind. But what power to a Robberfly when the bulldozers level his hometown.






Right now, as you watch me sit back and relax, don't think my mind and heart are at ease watching this destruction, said a Robberfly.

Thank You


you got an interesting insect in today's finder, I myself very rarely see this insect, although it does exist but I didn't have time to try it to take some photos

Great captures, Robberflies are sure an interesting looking create well done!