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RE: Above the Tree

Hahahaha. The Grinch! Christmas is beautiful, especially if there are children. Here at home we decorate the tree because my niece is coming and she already made her letter to the baby Jesus. I live in a neighborhood where there are a lot of low income people so seeing the tree on the front porch has been the talk of the street. Many children stop with their mothers and point to the tree: "The tree, the tree! they say and it seems magical to me. One of the most tedious things is to remove the tree. Here we take it down after the arrival of the Three Wise Men and by that time the Christmas "spirit" has been forgotten. Anyway, the pictures are beautiful and the models are beautiful. Ah, how great Smallsteps is! Christmas greetings, @tarazkp


I am glad that you have one up and the locals are also enjoying the sight of it. It is nice to have some kind of shared community goodness and even the small things matter in this regard.

Have a great Christmas with your niece and family and hopefully you have a lot of good food to eat :)

Igualmente, @tarazkp!! Qué Dios te bendiga.