What the rain left behind ...


Imágenes de mi propiedad

What the rain left behind

Much has been said about the disasters caused by the rain in some countries, but little has been said about the amount of colors left in its wake. Not only rainbows, but also trees, with their branches, flowers and fruits, have been adorned with the best colors. The rain cleans and renews nature: it gives it life.


The earth smiles through flowers


It has been said that where flowers are born, there is still hope. Flowers are the reaffirmation that the universe has many ways to surprise us.


It is enough to admire the beauty of a flower, to make your eyes and heart smile, despite the adversities.


Who can resist the beauty of flowers? Even in the saddest moments, we can't stop admiring their beauty.


Maybe that's why flowers have become the best gift when we love someone. It is given to the loved one, but it is also given to the person en su tumba


So, let us always look at the renewing side of rain, its benign essence: the one that nourishes the earth and makes it fertile.


So the next time it rains, imagine the explosion of colors that nature will have and your eyes will see: the colors will be sharper and brighter.


And let us always remember that famous poem by José Martí:

"I grow a white rose
in June as in January
for the sincere friend
who gives me his frank hand".


Thanks for reading and commenting. Until next time, friends

Lo que dejó la lluvia.gif

All images are my own and were taken with my Tecno Spark Go 2022 cell phone.

Since my language is Spanish, the texts were translated with Deepl Tras

Hive on!


Nature never ceases to amaze us with its beauty: flowers are one of the many forms it takes, how can we fail to appreciate them?
Beautiful photos. Best regards.

Gracias por tu comentario, amigos!! Saludos

I like your post @nancybriti1
Congratulations for your exquisitez flowers.

Gracias por tu apreciación y tus palabras, amigo

Buenas fotos de hermosas flores que dejó la lluvia, qué buen regalo para ti y para nosotros por compartirlas