Tales by the sea

in Photography Lovers2 months ago (edited)


They say that beneath this mantle a bird is dying
the beat of its heart carves a gem for you every sunset.

As it fades, the water feels so warm... the sky wants to release its cry.



My life

(for all eternity, I hug you)


I am blessed that I was able to keep these moments. I also feel like going back there to live them, and if it is possible, with you.

These were the opening lines I wrote today in my journal, my sanctuary to express gratitude for all that makes me grow within. However, I noticed a discrepancy; I mentioned feeling blessed to keep photos in a gallery, images steeped in nostalgia in your absence.

I was saddened to feel that I did not live those moments to the fullest, as my mind could only wander in the memory of a ghost.


I've closed my diary and I'm going to find you.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.
GIF created by me in Wondershare Filmora.


Life is always surprising, everything at the right time, because there is a time for everything. Always in the evening say this: Actualise for me the best potential future and abandon yourself to the other.

Beautiful pictures!💗

I like this abandoning myself to my quantum self. I'm going to walk around as far as my steps will take me. Today I have no direction and yet I do have a direction.


Your quantico has it if you ask.😃

Ok. 😅 Before leaving, I'll take a few minutes to adjust the boat's sails with the help of my me that...that...one.

Don't worry .... knows everything!

Like the phoenix, each day is a new beginning to spread our wings and go for what we long for 🐦

Let's fly! 🦉 Nice Sunday for you 😘

Buhito always comes with a lot of wisdom. It is true.

Lindo domingo para ustedes. 🌞

What nice pictures, especially the last one, it brings back so many memories.
Lovely Sunday. 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

Gracias. 🌟 Lindo domingo, Mamani.

I woke up on a Sunday morning grateful to be here again, I also gave thanks for what is yet to come.
Now, I give thanks for this publication 😊.

Happy Sunday.

😜 What a joy!

Happy Sunday.

Hasta pronto 👋

👋 😴

When you least expect it, you will find what you long for. Get up and search.

Eppur si muove - nani 👉🚴🏻‍♀️😅

That's the beauty of photography, that it is able to make you find that moment no matter if the image is static, it will always bring back a lot of memories.

Right... and we're going back to those places for more! It will never be the same.

Thanks! ;)

Oh I so know that feeling of not being able to find full presence in a moment because of the absence of another.

Eventually, for me at least, I came to find that that missing person was actually me. It's different for everyone, but I hope you fill your void with whomever belongs there.

Sorry for this late reply :( ... But I didn't quite know what to say.

Yes, from the moment you think longingly about someone it's because that person are obviously not by your side or things are not as they should be. It's very nice to love yourself and to find yourself, but we are human and we often want to share these moments with the person we consider special. I repeat... we are human. If it were so easy to forget or to turn off a feeling maybe we would be machines.

There's also the possibility that we might give away our time and thoughts to someone who doesn't deserve it at all.

(however, I think the answer that we all know, even though we don't pay any attention to it, is that in whatever situation we are in, we just need to be calm, present and trust... no matter what happens, just trust and let go).

I heart calm, present and trust.

Frente al mar...has tenido al mas hermoso de los interlocutores!

😄 definitivamente, es el mejor.