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RE: It's a good life.

in Photography Lovers β€’ last year

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I died laughing reading that last line because I had an instant vision of that whole scene.

You dressed him up in a cowboy hat and chaps in your dream? LMAO! Love it, but Bo did not I see.

If you have not been a crow in your dreams, I'd suggest attempting it in the waking dream by visualizing and becoming one.

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I kinda feel like in my waking life I can feel what it's like to be one of them sometimes when I watch them. Sorta similar.

Yes, exactly that! I'm going to want to see photo of your back for those wings when you sprout them. 😁

That's the kind of shit that will make a youtube millionaire. Here's hoping...

πŸ˜‚ what a vision! Maybe a vision quest...hmmm...