hiking at the Silber Teich (ENG/GER)

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Hello dear travel friends,
Today my friend @Melonqueen and I went hiking at the Silber Teich. This is within walking distance of Braunlage (Harz).

The hiking route is very suitable for beginners and is between 5.5 and 7 kilometers. The route is slightly longer depending on which branch you choose.

There are various places to rest at the Silber Teich pond and you can enjoy the view of the lake. Depending on how good you are on foot, you can also climb up to the water's edge and hike there.






After covering the long distance, we stopped off at Restaurant Nord. The restaurant is known for its burgers and it is highly recommended to book a table in advance. Even out of season it was very busy.

We decided to order beef tartare beforehand.

For the main course I had the venison burger, which was highly recommended. I particularly liked the berry mayo.



Tomorrow we continue our hiking tour to a 500 meter long high rope bridge. I hope it is not closed due to wind.

But I will report on this in another short article.

See you next time, OGfox


Nice view of the lake side.

Hermoso, beautiful, pronto viajaré por esos lares, Dios mediante. Saludos desde Venezuela...