Macro photography : Mintho rufiventris

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

I think there are only two or three types of flies, but Mintho rufiventris flies have similar similarities from the face and wings, Mintho rufiventris flies have a slimmer body than the other flies. During the winter, I was able to find something more unique than the prairie, they are beautiful insects that bear a little resemblance to robber insects.

During winter, there is a lot of change from the open landscape, the grass looks deep green from all around, the trees have a lot of shoots and fruit. When I walked from the side of the mystic forest, there were many flowers that bloomed quite perfectly.

The open view with a number of natural panoramas gives me peace and fresh air, the chirping birds can be heard from every tree, they hunt for the seeds that are there.

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Very neat looking fly. Great set, love the details. There are so many different types of flies out there all with their own amazing look.

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