What cute little turtles!!!

We recently found these down by the lake. They are two tiny little Red-Eared Sliders, which are a common species around here. They really have some amazing colors and patterns, and we are pleased to be able to share these photos with you. Enjoy!


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We really are adorable. We adopted one from a pet store many years ago. Sadly, recently it got ill and died. But your pictures brought back good memories. We have many turtles in the wild here in Minnesota too - mostly snapping turtles!

Looks identical to our Toby when he was a baby.

He never developed the red markings on the side of his head, which led us to realize that he is not a red eared slider, but a closely related species.

My husband found him literally beneath the tire of his tractor trailer, at a truck stop, so if he'd moved it even a couple of inches, Toby would have been a goner.

As it is, he's growing quickly, and he now has a buddy, different species but almost identical in size, and they are getting along nicely. No idea of gender for either of them as yet.

Perhaps a River Cooter? They look somewhat similar, but no "red ears"