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RE: The last dark walk.

Seems like we are both spragged for time my friend 😉 !LOLZ

I know that you and I like the clouds, but in my case lately, the clouds are spiteful as they cover the moon completely.

So, now in December, you two nightshifts and then it is done for the year?
A good idea to go and visit that gorge again.

You cannot imagine how painful a strained neck is Hannes. Been to the doctor and he reckons that my actions to get into the car, could be the problem. So now we are looking around for another car.
I now slide backwards onto the driver seat, and it is a little bit better, as I still have to bend my head and then the neck screams 🥴

Cheers and thanks.


It has been raining since yesterday morning, but in the afternoon the rain should turn into snow, they say 😀

My first nightshift for December is done, and my next ones will be on the 23rd and on the 31st of December, then the year is done .... anyway 😆 !LOLZ

Since it's raining, it's too dangerous in that gorge. So I stay at home until it starts to snow and then I'll drive a bit around for some snowy photos.

You're right, I can't imagine such a pain, and I would never have thought before you told me, that getting into a car would cause such pain.

Out son is visiting friends in Upper Austria with his girlfriend and he has just sent us a photo from his car ... we are expecting at least this amount of snow here:

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

I hope that the rain turned into snow my friend 🤞

Ah! So, you have two nightshifts left for the year. I just hope that the bosses will not call you in case of an emergency situation, to do more. 😉

A good idea and when the water in the river is iced over, you can also take some photos of the frozen water stalagmites or is it stalactites.?

There are two things that I really don't like. One is pain and the other is my wife driving the car.
I now have found that it is a bit easier for me to get into the car on the passenger side, as there is no steering and more space for my legs. I still have to bend my head, but not as bad as the driver side. Now we canter along like an ice cream sales truck, at about 20-30kms, as she is a very careful driver. So now I try to stay at home as much as I can 🤣 !LOLZ

Wow! You guys certainly get a lot of snow, as that looks like a mountain starting to build on the roof of the car. We have never had that much snow and it turns your country into a winter wonderland. A photographer's dream my friend.😍

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,

yep, the rain turned into snow, but it didn't snow much down here in the city, and today it's all almost gone.

But in the mountains there's more of the white stuff and it's still there - my sunset view tonight ...

Hihi, I could probably live with pain, but having to drive as passenger in my wife's car all the time would be worse than any pain 😱 !LOLZ

20-30 km/h? Have you ever been overtaken by a snail? 🐌 But 20-30 km/h is okay to me if it helps you with your neck 👍

Hope you have had a lovely weekend, my friend 🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Good afternoon Hannes,

we are snowed under by the power cuts again.

I love the haunting feeling that the photo gives me, almost a longing for someone that I do not know. A real perfect shot. Not for you to worry about snow, as you know that it will soon arrive to give you your regular winter exercise to clear it away 🤣 !LOLZ

Oh, I totally agree with you. We have only the one car and my wife is the owner, but she cannot operate her phone and drive at the same time. So, I drive, and she does her thing in the passenger seat. Now with my pain, she drives and I switch the phone off 😉

20-30km is a little bit faster than a snail, but yeah, I have to watch out for the tortoises passing us.
My neck is slowly healing, and it is said that the cause is the lack of iron that's attacking my body with the cramps 😢

Weekend was good and I know that yours was also good 🙏

Cheers and thanks.

Good morning Zac,

I'm quickly doing my replies before I have to leave to our head quarter...

Haven't I already said that these power cuts suck? If not I say it now: these power cuts suck!

Thanks, my friend, I hope that there will be more shots like this in the next months 😀
Luckily we are living in an apartment, so all we have to clean from snow are our cars 😅 !LOLZ

I often have to phone while driving. In my van I can make phone calls handsfree, but when I'm using a police car I don't always connect my phone to the car. So I have often noticed how dangerous it is to make phone calls and drive at the same time - phone off is the best solution in my opinion. What have we done 30 years ago when there was no such thing as a mobile phone?

Hihi, I forgot that you have wild tortoises running around too 👍

Your pain never stops, does it? 🙏

My weekend was okay, but just like every year the last month is the busiest 😅

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Good evening Hannes,

always a surprise when you tell me that you are quickly doing the relies, as it takes me at least an hour to do them 😜

We have had the power cuts for many years now, and I can still not get used to them. Coming from a life of no power cuts, I simply cannot understand that no maintenance and a lack of planning was done to expand the system.

Yep! I know there will be more shots and you are lucky for only having to clean the cars 😀 !LOLZ

Switch the phone off! Never, as people here will say that you are mad. What if the boyfriend, or the boss calls? The car can drive itself, as the calls, and the makeup is more important.
Simple, 30 years ago, we had more brains, but now we don't need brains, as technology is our brains 😉

Hahaha, we have all kinds of things running around here my friend 😳

Went in for the blood test this morning, and now waiting for the result 🙏

Oh yes, the last month is sheer madness to get things done before the end of the year 🥴

Cheers and thanks.

Good morning Zac,

it's 5:30 am and I am on a mountain nearby, because today's a holiday. I'm not sure how the sunrise will be or if I will still be here if the sun rises. It has been a short but exhausting week.

Hihi, your replies take longer because I'm using 10 fingers to type, if I'm not on the phone 😉 !LOLZ

Yep, I should turn the phone off when I'm driving, but I never do so, because sometimes the calls are really important. That's no excuse, I know.
But I never make my makeup while I am driving, I promise 😎😂

I hope the blood test turns out positive for you, my friend 🙏

Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend 😊 🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

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