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RE: The last dark walk.

Thank you Bob, and luckily the place has a big generator to counter the power cuts.

Yep! I like your take on it, and I treated the scorpion with due respect.

Wonderful natural water, and one can feel the pains drain away while floating like that. I was wondering who would stand up to defend Marian and like the gent that you are, you stepped right up to the plate. I was only teasing her, as she reads and edits all of my posts before I submit them.
So, I have also now showed her your reply and she is very chuffed with you.

I am not a moaner and tried in my own way to uplift Lizzies spirit, as colonoscopy's have the habit of leaving people traumatized. My own situation was dreadful to endure and if only the root cause was found, then it would be okay. What I didn't tell her was that I will not be going back, or maybe I did, but now I just tough things out. My iron level is critical and tiredness, including heart palpitations are par for the course, but I just carry on, come what may.
I am sure that the Lord will fix me, as He has always done before.

Blessings to you guys and the family.



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The last thing you want to do is piss off the editor, especially when the editor is your wife. To me, being able to fool around with one's spouse in a busting way, without them being offended, is a sign that a marriage or relationship is on very good terms.

Toughing things out is a good way to deal with most things, but in your case are you sure you want to handle it that way? With the adverse effect this situation has on your well-being, maybe you may want to have the doctors look into it a little deeper. You would think that sooner or later they would be able to come up with a solution. I understand your frustration with the situation and that it's really none of my business to tell you how to handle it, but we all need you to stick around for many years to come. I am just wondering how your editor feels about your decision.

Your belief in the Lord to the degree that you are thinking of putting this deal in his hands is beyond most folks' capability. Your conviction is something to be admired.

Meeting both you and Marian has made me a better man.

I am in total agreement with you, and we have learned a long time ago to laugh at ourselves. There's a lot of daily humor in our relationship and at times of trouble we back each other 100%.

I can see that you are a real caring man, and it is sincerely appreciated. The doctor came up with a solution, as he, and us think that the problem is in the inner intestine. They have no tools to go into the inner intestine, and the solution is for me to swallow a small camera pill. This pill takes many photos as it works its way through the entire digestive system, and it submits all of the photos to a computer for analysis. The process is called a "Capsule endoscopy".
My iron level is chronic at 2.8 and it should be between 12-30, so it is a bit of a problem, but we cover it with prayer, and miracles happen every day.

We think that the Lord is the only answer and to me it is only logical to put my full trust in Him.

You have the same heart as us and we are also glad to have met and be friends with you guys.

It is our wish for both of you to have a pleasant and peaceful new week.


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It sounds as though you have your mind set and following one's convictions is the only way to go. The capsule endoscopy sounds like a very strange procedure,

Praying for you to get well and to be able to carry on with the journey you have devoted your life to, helping so many through the wonderful foundation that you and Marian have dedicated your life to.

Carry on, my friend!

Thank you for understanding my plight, as after so many failed attempts that does not come cheap, I will now allow the only real healer to work on my case.

Taking it day by day and as long as there is breath in this skeleton, we will simply continue with our work. Fortunately Marian is much younger than me and she will continue with the work after I am done. So be it.

Thank you guys for the care and the support!


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Taking it day by day, I totally get that. Despite not having any real health issues I try to do the same, deal with stuff as it comes up, try not to sweat the stuff that I have no control over, and most importantly look at each day as a gift that is more precious than anything material.

Knowing that Marian is there to carry on with the work you have both put your hearts and soul into must give you a sense of peace.

Peace, my friend.

I like your way of looking at life, as that is the best way to be.
Tomorrows have a lot of ifs in them and I ascribe it to the Lord's wisdom, as if we had to know for certain what a morrow holds, then we would try to corrupt it into our favor. So, day by day is the way. Glad that you also see things this way, as our very breath is a gift.

I have meticulously taken care of it, as Marian has the Papillon board of volunteer advisors to back her. They are all specialists in their respective fields and they back us 100 percent. In fact, the chairlady of the board is the local South African Police spokesperson. Said chairlady also runs the school girls mentoring project and Papillon partners with it.

We have it in the Papillon constitution, that if Papillon has to close down for any reason, then all of its assets and finances will be handed over to another non-profit charity. So, thank you and yes, I do have a sense of peace in my heart as it is whatever it will be.

Peace and blessings also to you and yours my friend.


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