Direction of the subject matters

While doing my photography, I always make sure that I have plenty of time to think about the way I’m framing each of my subjects. Although there are good old techniques like Rule-of-Thirds that can be applied to any photo and still would work, I believe that there is an unspoken rule about how do we really frame the subject itself. In essence, we can not simply take the Rule-of-Thirds and simply trigger the button; it would be good to consider the way the subject is pointing to a specific direction within the frame.

Let’s take this picture as an example.

DSC02964-pc1-1 - Copy.jpg

It complies with the Rule-of-Thirds.



It seems perfectly fine. While changing its position within the frame and it will have a different result that is unlikely to be accepted.


What happens in the second image is that the positioning of the subject became awkward as it restricts the empty space in the image. The direction that the subject is pointing is opposite to where the empty space is. What it does is confuse the observer’s view.



In the first image, the subject is pointing in the direction of the empty space. The empty space is a breathing space for the observer’s view and it allows further exploration of the image or a way to terminate the line of view.

This demo, explains beyond the use of Rule-of-Thirds and towards the unspoken rules of photography. That's where the keen eye of the photographer will come into play. It all depends on the way we perceive the photo. And it's critical to analyze the picture in detail as well.

The Rule-of-Thirds only serve as a guide to what would seem to be a good picture. What it can't tell would be the way the subject will impact the picture in general.

Have a great day!


The photography rules are to get beat results but aome time it depends on the object also...
Thanks for sharing...

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