Veteráni / Veterans

I wrote this post in two languages. In Slovak and English language.

I have to admit that I am not exactly a car enthusiast. It won't enchant me has some brutally squeezed car with a lot of features and maximum speed. And I don't follow the news either. For me, a car is a means of transport that helps me get from point A to point B safely.


However, there are two exceptions. The first of them is Formula 1. The truth is that I don't miss a single big prize on TV, I even watch trainings. And that's how a lot of people wonder about me, because some of them find the race itself boring. Well, not me and I really enjoy it.


The second exception is veterans. If I can, I'll be happy to see an exhibition of old cars. The design and state-of-the-art technology of the time are fascinating to me.


I also got a veteran at my wedding to bring us in front of the church. Just driving in a car where you have no power steering and you get involved at a regular roundabout to make it a huge experience.


Sometimes I would like to try to drive such a beautiful man. Otherwise, this also applies to Formula 1, but I can do it only on the simulator.




I pulled this show from my archive. The veterans were exhibited in Košice on the square in 2014.
Thank you

Po Slovensky
musím sa priznať že nepatrím práve k nadšencom áut. Neohúri má nejaké brutálne vymakané auto s množstvom funkcií a maximálnou rýchlosťou. A nesledujem ani novinky. Pre mňa je auto dopravný prostriedok, ktorý mi slúži na to, aby som sa dostal bezpečne z bodu A do bodu B.


Existujú však dve výnimky. Prvou z nich je Formula 1. Pravdou je, že nevynechám v telke ani jednu veľkú cenu, dokonca sledujem aj tréningy. A to sa mi teda množstvo ľudí čuduje, pretože niektorým samotné preteky pripadajú nudné. No mne nie a neuveriteľne ma to baví.


Druhou výnimkou sú veteráni. Keď sa dá, rád si pozriem výstavu starých automobilov. Ten dizajn a najmodernejšia technika danej doby sú pre mňa fascinujúce.


Aj na mojej svadbe som si zaobstaral veterána, aby nás priviezol pred kostol. Už len viesť sa v aute, kde nemáte žiadny posilňovač riadenia a na obyčajnom kruhovom objazde sa zapojíte, aby ste to vytočili bol obrovský zážitok.


Niekedy by som rád vyskúšal šoférovať takého krásavca. Inak to platí aj o formuly 1, ale to sa mi podarí maximálne na simulátore.




Túto prehliadku som vytiahol z môjho archívu. Veteráni boli vystavené v Košiciach na námestí v roku 2014.



Wao! I really can't believe cars like this still exist.. I was very young when I saw them last in my country.

Meeting one of them on the road must be an experience.

Krasavci :)

@tipu curate

To teda 🙂... Ďakujem

Veterans that are worth a fortune...

To have one of them in the garage ...