Rampal's long-standing activity this afternoon is a rail road trip

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Rampal's long-standing activity this afternoon is a rail road trip.




I had a weekly test this afternoon. Attendance in exams was very low. And as the exam was over a little earlier in the evening we all decided we would go for a walk. What else to do, just like that. So 6 of us went out for a walk. And we bought some fast food from a fast food shop and brought you the photography of that moment. Then one of us said that we have taken food but what is needed more i.e. water we have not taken. Then again I went to a grocery store and bought a 2 liter of cold water in the fridge.



After entering the railway road, Uradhura's turn to take pictures began. He is taking pictures as he pleases. And my mobile camera was much better than other cameras for collecting more photography on my phone. Looking at the faces in the photo will make your country look like we are all happy to take pictures.



Then we sat next to each other on that railway road and ate the fast food we had bought from the shop together. Then again we continued to talk about different things and planned that soon maybe we would go out with friends somewhere by water or by land.


In fact, the fun of traveling with friends is different. Look, there is no feeling waiting, a friend of mine is taking pictures from behind, it's fun.


After that I collected some more photographs and since it was almost evening, we all decided to get out of there now. And after that, I have collected many more pictures and will present them to you in the next article. May you all be well till today. And it is very important to take such trips occasionally to refresh the mind.

Place:- Bangladesh, Rampal, Bagerhat

Subject:- Travel Rampal Rail Road

Mobile:- Realme

Model:- Realme 8