School flower garden

in Photography Lovers2 years ago


Dear friends,

Today I suddenly went to visit my favorite school. I had a lot of fun with my studies when I was finance at Hebi Floor.

Just in front of the school office is a small flower garden with a variety of leafy plants and some vegetable plants. It is like a forest of scenery surrounded by beautiful greenery at the entrance door of the school office.




For a moment, the person you see in the photograph may seem like a gardener or a gardener, because we know that a person who takes care of a flower garden is called a gardener. And it is not a trivial matter because every one of us is a farmer and every one of us is involved in all professions but we see that there is one main profession from which our money comes and that is what we present in front of everyone that this is my profession.

And the person you see in the photograph is a special teacher of this school. This school has been teaching them for more than 14 years with reputation. And this teacher is very popular with the students. Personally, I also like him very much, although we know that every student is equal to the teacher, but still it can be seen that there are some teachers who become very close to the students at some point.

Anyway, as you can see in the picture, there are leafy trees and few flowers showing, and the storm that happened a few days ago killed many of the flowering plants and the large trees next to it fell down.



Here you can see a small seedling of a fepa tree. And which is kept tightly knotted so that no goat or cow can come here and damage these plants.

Thanks everyone for watching my post.

Place:- Bangladesh Rampal Bagerhat

Subject:- Landscape

Mobile:- Realme

Model:- Realme 8