Blooming balcony

This week I've been looking at the photos from my balcony garden that are about two weeks old. It is amazing to see how quickly the plants grow and how much they change in such a short period of time.

I have already harvested our very fist cherry tomato! It's been a big happening for us, so I'll show it to you from two different orientations of our balcony 🙂



Right now, we have 50 shades of red growing on our tomato plants. Luckily, they can be stored for a long time, so hopefully next week I will be able to prepare some bruschetta with our own cherry tomatoes (for now I have only picked that one 🙂)! My husband doesn't spend so much time taking care of them and he is always taking tons of photos when he comes once a week and sees the progress.




These are almost ready! I know that someone would already pick the red ones, but we let them ripen a little bit more on the plant as they are protected against wind and rain, so they can stay there longer.



And those chilli peppers! We have already made plans what to do with them. We have tons of them on the balcony and much more in the garden. It just takes such a long time for them to ripen. They've been like this for a few weeks and they should finally start turning red soon.

We will dry some of them, make Indonesian sambal, put some in olive oil and my husband will simply snack on the rest. Believe it or not, he eats chilli like snacks.



And we also have our first Trinidad Scorpion pepper! I won't even touch those as they are too hot - perfect for my husband.


And this is our surprise pepper. I don't know if it's a red bell pepper or something else, but we can't wait to find out. It looks like sort of a bell pepper for now.


Kohlrabies are almost ready to harvest. I will give them one more week before cooking them.



We planted more salads as it's too hot and we have to eat them quickly because they are bolting. By continuous planting we get as much salad as we need even during the hottest days.


My baby kale plants are almost ready to be planted. We will remove the lettuce from the garden and plant kale for late autumn harvest.


I left our dill to bolt as we had way too much and couldn't eat it fast enough. People say that the herb loses its flavour and becomes sort of woody after bolting, but to me it's not that different and now we can also use those beautiful flowers for more colour in our dishes. I will leave a few flowers to go to seed for next year.



Oregano is flowering too. It has those tiny pink flowers that attract bees. Our balcony is buzzing with life these days.


Our strawberry mint has beautiful fluffy flowers too.


And hyssops flowers are so delicious! They are a bit milder in flavour than the leaves and I love to combine them with many vegetables.


I liked how this plant looked like when it started to bolt, so I let it be. I'm excited to see what kind of flowers it will develop.


This is my favourite part of the year as we can see the fruits of all our hard work. We had some very hot days and some of my herbs on the balcony burned, but this is nature and I enjoy what I can for as long as I can 🙂

See you next time...


To je úroda! Krása :) Btw až teď jsem si všiml, jaký máte úžasný výhled z toho balkonu, wow!

Chili papričky miluju taky. Když jsme žili v Mexiku, tak jsme čerstvé jalapena a habanera jedli každý den. Ale Trinidad Scorpion, to je ještě trošku jiný level! :D To jako fakt Stefan normálně pojídá syrové k večeři, jo? To by měl slušnou šanci vyhrát nějaký ten chili eating contest :D Já už vyzkoušel i Carolina Reaper, ale fakt jen malý kousek, z hecu v hospodě :D Podle mě tohle už není nic pro obyčejné smrtelníky :D Však většina lidí nezvládá ani ty "moje" habanera :)

Fun fact: Až díky tomuhle článku jsem zjistil, že kedlubna je anglicky "kohlrabi". Hodně divné slovo, ale je možné, že jste ho částečně přejali do slovenštiny. Mám pocit, že moje partnerka totiž říká kedlubně "kaleráb" :D

To áno, máme super výhľad, no keď sme sa nasťahovali bol ešte lepší. Na tej prvej fotke je budova vľavo, ktorá tam nebola keď sme prišli, takže sme mali všade okolo lesy. Ale tak stále je to super 🙂

Áno, áno, normálne si zoberie čili, sadne k telke a je 😂 To má po otcovi, ten má stále čili vo vrecku pre prípad, žeby mal chuť 😁

On toho zvládne veľa. A sranda je, že bude červený ako tá paprička, po tvári mu bude stekať pot, bude kašľať a dusiť sa, ale pomedzi to mi bude vravieť aká je tá paprička super..

Presne tak, kaleráb je kedlubna 🙂 Niežeby kedlubna teda znela lepšie ako kaleráb 😉

Hahaha, tak to jsme na tom Stefanem úplně stejně :D Já u toho taky vždy trpím, ale prostě mám ty pálivé papričky rád, tak si nemůžu pomoct :D Jednou se mi to ale už trochu vymstilo. To jsem si takhle v Mexiku dal k večeři ty habanera dvě a normálně se mi z toho začaly dělat mžitky před očima, hučet v uších a tep mi vystřelil jako po maratonu :D Vypadalo to, že to se mnou sekne, tak jsem si musel lehnout na gauč a čekat, až to přejde... Inu, jak se říká - nic se nemá přehánět :)

Máš pravdu, když o tom teď tak přemýšlím, tak slovo "kedlubna" taky není žádná hitparáda :D

What a beautiful balcony garden!

The images of tomatoes smell like tomatoes 😃

Thank you! 🙂

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LEO Power Up Day - July 15, 2023

Wow what a great garden you have on your balcony. I am sure that bruschetta is going to get great. What a fun time, watching everything blooming and growing.

Oh, at the end those tomatoes didn't make it to bruschetta as we just ate them like that 🙂 I agree, it's lots of fun!