Magical Prague

Last night, we returned from a few days that we spent in Czech Republic. The drive back took less than 6 hours, but we were both so tired that we went to bed as soon as we came home. My husband woke up in the morning with a fever of 39°C, and I'm trying to bring it down all day with him refusing to take any medicine. He barely can sit, but luckily the fever is not rising. Well, it is not getting lower either, so let's see what the coming hours will bring. I don't think there will be much sleep (on my side) tonight, but I will worry about it later. Now, to keep my mind off his illness, let me show you part of our trip in Prague.

It was raining (as usually) when we left Switzerland, but we knew that the weather forecast in Prague showed that there should be some snow over the weekend. I was so excited as I love snow, and I don't remember experiencing Prague covered in white blanket before. When I woke up yesterday, and looked up of the window of our hotel room I couldn't wait to go out. I didn't however expect how cold it would be! It also stopped snowing before lunch, the sun showed up and all snow melted away. What was left were the wet slippery cobblestone streets, but it was worth those views in the morning 😊



A few hours later there were no clouds at all, but I can't say that it was much warmer. Actually, I had a feeling that it was getting colder and colder. We were laughing that our trip consisted of going from one restaurant to another one, but I still managed to take a few photos to share with you. This time, we stayed in the heart of the old town in the hope that we would come across some nice Christmas markets. Well, we were disappointed as there are indeed Christmas markets already, but they are only selling food and beverages. The local artisan products should be sold in December.


I like the contrast of a new glass building with beautifully coloured houses such as this blue one.


Most houses in the old town are clean and well maintained, but it often changes when you go to streets that are not so popular among tourists.




I passed this street so many times in the past, and I haven't seen those two doves in the middle of the façade before.


There are many details on the houses, but people often forget to look up. It's also not so easy as there are so many people, and you have to be well aware of your surroundings there.



We were wondering how come that those houses on the shopping streets have such richly decorated facades - maybe they used to be residential palaces in the past?


The Old Town Market building was constructed in 1894 and was used as a covered market place. Today, it hosts various shops and restaurants and the market is held in front of it.


It's a grand building, and it looks like a palace too! So many buildings there look like palaces 😊


Such colourful houses can be found in all cities in Czech Republic. They have high ceilings, stunning parquet floors, and are usually not affordable by most of the population.


Unfortunately, we lost my aunt during the weekend, so we went to a church to light a candle. We chose a nearby church called The Church of Our Lady of the Snows that we haven't visited before. The small square in front of the church was quiet, so we hoped it would be the same inside as we needed some time for our prayers. I found it hard to accept that we won't be able to make it to the funeral, and the least what I could do was to spend some moments remembering her.


It's a beautiful church from the 14th century which is hidden in the plain sight. We walked past by countless times and we have never noticed it. Maybe this is the reason why it was indeed quiet.


I must say that with its impressive height it is now one of my favourite churches in Prague.


Again on a positive note.. our trips to Prague are usually mainly driven by new culinary experiences. This time we also visited many places and Palo Verde was one of my favourites. It's a trendy restaurant with cosy atmosphere and many plants.


As usually, I started my day with matcha latte...


For breakfast I ordered this large toast with pumpkin hummus, avocado, grilled zucchini and tons of microgreens. It was delicious!


I also tried a croissant from my friend...


And some tofu scramble from my husband...


The food is really good there and I would recommend it to anyone, but their pastries are top notch! I loved this little tartelette and we returned there, so that I could get another one 😊


We also discovered a new restaurant called Sanshe with their fusion menu. This was the best dining experience in Prague until now.

I don't remember the name of my mocktail, but it had something to do with a poison, and I wonder why 😊


The spring rolls were perfectly crunchy and that sauce was so good.


I am allergic to pineapple and I also mentioned it to the waiter when he asked about intolerances. There was some mix up and I got my summer roll with a big piece of a pineapple. They corrected the mistake quickly and brought me two rolls with oranges instead (while the rest of the group has only one much smaller roll), and I even got a drink on the house! It was my favourite dish. I still remember its flavour, but it was so complex that I can't even start describing it.


The main course was this curry with pumpkin, polenta fries, mushrooms, delicious herbs, fried onions and other mouth watering ingredients. Luckily, we all can handle spicy food as it was hot!


And the dessert was warm carrot cake with carrot chips. I could eat a few more pieces. We had three more courses, but it was dark and photos didn't turn out well. However, if you're ever in Prague, make sure to visit this restaurant and you can thank me later!


We also found our new favourite hotel called Le Palais Art Hotel Prague. It's in a quiet location, only a few minutes away from a tram stop. We fell in love with our room.

We had almost 360 degrees views...


And a separate living room...


And of course the most comfortable bed ever 😊


I think it's the time to check on my husband again now...

See you next time!


Jaj, o té tetě jsem nevěděl, to jsi mi v neděli neřekla. To mě mrzí :( A pak ještě ten nemocný Stefan, to asi na tuhle návštěvu Prahy nebudete vzpomínat moc rádi :( Je mu už aspoň dneska líp?

Tady něco málo na vyvážení hlasů od downovoťáka (ale zase tu máš hlasy od těch, o kterých jsme se bavili, to určitě potěšilo ;)

@tipu curate 7

Dohodli sme sa so Stefanom, že to cez víkend nikomu nepovieme, lebo som mala celý čas slzy na krajíčku. Stefan už horúčku nemá, ale je mu ešte horšie ako v pondelok. No uvidíme. Samozrejme odmieta ísť k doktorovi, ale zvládneme to, kým nedajbože neochoriem aj ja 😊

Ďakujem krásne 😊 inak, naozaj škoda, že tú fotku nemáme. Nabudúce sa už musíme odfotiť 😁

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Looks like a lovely trip, the snow, yummy food and such a cute room. Hope your husband feels better soon.

Thank you, he doesn't have fever anymore, but he feels worse than on Monday.. hopefully, it will be better soon 😊

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It seems you had a great time in my hometown ;) I am glad to hear that :)

Wow beautiful places 😍😍

I managed to discover Prague in September but would love to return there one day, especially during the winter. The scenery looks so lovely! Too bad the white blanket melted so quickly...

There will be more snow 😊 Prague in winter is magical! I hope you will be able to make it there again 😊

I have never seen or touched snow, it must be a unique and incomparable moment.

What a beautiful place and photos, the food also looked delicious, I really liked the presentation of each one. Thanks for sharing your experience here with us, best regards!

Oh, that's a pity that you haven't seen snow yet. I hope that one day you will go somewhere where you will be able to enjoy it 😊

Thanks a lot for stopping by!

I hope so! Thanks 🤗🙌🏻

Have a beautiful day!

Great shots, I have to admit, the food looks divine, yum.

Well… I guess Prague is waiting for me!! Lol. The city looks amazing, and the food… OMG! It seems to taste so good!!