Stars in Town

Stars in Town is a music festival which is held every year in the city of Schaffhausen. We lived in the city centre when it was held for the first time and the stage was located directly in front of our windows. There were no bands that would interest us and we knew that we wouldn't get any sleep, so we left for the weekend. Since then we started to plan our summer vacation around that time until we moved to another city.

We haven't had any vacation this year yet because of our garden commitments, so we compensated it by concerts and festivals so far. We had no plans for last weekend when I realized that Stars in Town was held in Schaffhausen. I checked the line up and got excited because there were finally some bands that we both wanted to see.

The weather forecast didn't seem to be good, but it was also pouring during the Coldplay concert and we had the best time ever, so we decided that we would give it a go.

We arrived in the afternoon as the program started at 6PM and waited a bit for our friends to arrive. There were plenty of people, but we still had a little bit of space for us, so it started good. We got our drinks right before the concerts started. It was amazing! The atmosphere was great, people were singing and dancing along and we had a lot of fun. And guess what? It started to rain at 10PM and it didn't stop until midnight. Luckily, I trusted the forecast and took my raincoat! And there is something magical about dancing in the rain too, so I enjoyed it.

After the concerts we moved down the square to the Talent stage. This is the stage for new artists and it's for free. I must admit that we had even more fun there than during the official program. I loved the concerts, but I also enjoyed the decoration of the main square. There was a colourful ocean life presented on the buildings. I have no idea why they chose this theme, but it was impressive.

Let me take you around, so that you can enjoy it too!


Octopus and jellyfish were swimming up the building...


There were plenty of corals and small colourful fish...



There were large flowers in each corner of the square...



We saw sharks too!



This presentation was amazing. I didn't take a video (I don't have any explanation why, I simply didn't think about it 🙂), but I took more photos to give you an idea about how those images were moving...







There was kind of a psychedelic part too. Those circles were moving quite fast and I don't even want to think about how I would feel about it when I would be tipsy 🙂




Behind the food stands were whales enjoying swimming together...



Look how pretty it was!




Our favourite new artist was Valentino Vivace. We even went backstage (it was a bit of a stalking I must say) to take a selfie with them. They were so nice and stayed with us for a couple of minutes, but the security didn't seem to be thrilled about it 🙂



Abundance of jellyfish...


I think that people living in those building get free tickets for the festival as compensation 🙂



We stayed for a few more hours and came home after 3AM. I do enjoy partying, but I need one day to recover, so I spent all Sunday on sofa. No regrets though 🙂

See you next time!


Wow, tak takový festival bych teda v malém švýcarském městečku nečekal :) Ty projekce na domech mi připomínají pražský Signal Festival, možná jsi na něm někdy byla, koná se tu už víc jak 10 let... Je to hezké, ale těch lidí všude! Šílené... Ten váš byl určitě komornější, ten bych si užil víc :)

Btw, vím, že alkohol nepiješ, tak moc nerozumím tomu, proč jsi musela celý následující den proležet? :D

Na festivaly sme začali chodiť len pred pár rokmi a to som už v Prahe nebola. Ale možno raz 🙂 V minulosti sme chodili len na raves do Holandska. Napríklad tu Dediquated.. na niektorých je aj 50000 ľudí, tak stojíme alebo úplne vzadu, kde v podstate nikto nie je alebo ak je to na štadióne, tak niekde hore.

V sobotu bola Street Parade v Zurichu a bolo viac ako milión ľudí. Zurich sám o sebe nemá ani pol milióna a teraz tam bolo dva krát toľko len v pár uliciach. Bolo to strašné. Chodiť sa dalo len spolu s davom a všade bolo toľko odpadu. Pred polnocou sme v podstate chodili len po odpadkoch.

No čo ti poviem.. starnem 😂😂😂 tancovať celú noc je vyčerpávajúce. A tento víkend bol ešte horší. V piatok sme boli znova na Stars in Town, v sobotu na Street Parade a potom Insomna afterparty a včera sme organizovali BBQ pre pár známych na záhrade. Netuším kedy sa znova normálne vyspím, keďže tento týždeň nevyzerá o nič lepšie 🙄😁

Rave? Wow! Tak to bych u tebe asi nečekal :) To je tak trochu odnož techna, ne? Já na tenhle žánr moc nejsem, ale dost mých kamarádů z Opavy poslouchá trance a každý rok jezdí na Beats for Love (B4L) do sousední Ostravy. Čtyři noci v kuse tam paří, dokud všichni nevypadají jak zombíci :D Letos tam měli celkovou návštěvu snad čtvrt milionu lidí, začíná to být fakt velký festival, kam se sjíždějí hudební fanoušci (nejen trance) z celé Evropy...

Milion lidí v ulicích Curychu? To musel být fakt masakr! To se divím, že jsem to ani nikde nezaregistroval, to musela být fakt monstrózní akce...

Jaj, tak to se ti teda pěkně nahromadilo :D To sis vlastně udělala takovou malou soukromou "insomnia party" :D Tak snad se brzy podaří se pořádně vyspat, já to znám moc dobře, však už jsme se o tom bavili ;)

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