Soak Up Those Rays!

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)


We are all aware of the health benefits of getting enough Vitamin D and being out on a sunny day is the best and most natural method to get you fill. Soak up those rays but don't forget the sunblock! (*wink)

Hello, Hiver! Just dropping by to bringing you some beach vibes all the way from Shangri-la Mactan, Philippines! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


Portrait/Landscape Photography with Fujifilm X-S10


Open to the sunlight morning hours better way to get vitamin D to our body. In fact, you got it since nice beach area. Have a enjoyable weekend @purepinay.

Thank you, you too, enjoy your weekend ☺️


Shexxxyyyyy Madeeerr errrrttttzzz 🌼🌝☀️

Thank you 😘❤️


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just wow po..😊

So sexy ❤️❤️✨

Thank you, dai 😘❤️

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Hi maam idol crush. Aw. Hehe

Salamat 😊