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RE: Go with the flow!

in Photography Lovers4 years ago (edited)

The reality for photographers nowadays is that if you are not on Instagram, you do not exist!
So my new attitude is go with the flow :)

very sad thing for me to hear. ok, call me whatever after that, it will not make me turn on again my insta akk. my motto is: 'shit is inevitable in this world but it will not be me, that it will enter here'. if only it was everybody's motto... the world be a better place then. dixi..


My friend we are part of this world's shit even if we lock ourselves into a cabin on the top of a mountain. Flexibility helps me keep my sanity and move forward. Thank you for stopping by!

yes... you abs. right about locking in a cabin on top on the mountain ))
and we all have own remedies (good or bad, working or not at all) to go thru. blessings!