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RE: The Most Insatiable Beast

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

The pop. of the Island is appr. 150 thousand. The man who died had a house situated on about 2 acres of land. There were a couple neighbours quite close but were sleeping and never saw the flames. Actually it was his brother who had a farm a few kms away that got up early to tend the cows and saw the red flaming sky in the location of his brother’s home. He went to investigate and phoned the fire department but it already too late. Sad day.

I live in the countryside surrounded by 50 acres of woodland (mainly forest) with the birds, bees and a few wildlife. :) The town of Montague is only 10 km (6mi.) away. Charlottetown is the capital and that’s a 45 min. car drive. Before coming permanently to the Island, I had worked at a credit union in the big city in Oshawa, Ontario.. near Toronto.

Do you use the metric system?

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Canada changed to the metric system in the mid 1970’s. After learning the imperial system in school it was a quite a change to switch over. I usually work with both systems in my head. :))

Canada is also a vast country. In my opinion, September is the best month to visit P.E.I. as there are no flies then and the weather is not too hot or too cold.

I heard that the cruise ships are soon starting to come again into Charlottetown after not arriving for the last two yrs because the pandemic. The shopkeepers at the waterfront will be glad to have the tourists again.