The lucky day has arrived || My bird's egg has hatched

in Photography Loverslast month

Enjoy seeing the new world of my little bird

The day I look forward to the most is the hatching of the bird eggs that I have been guarding for 3 days. I am very satisfied to see these eggs hatch, I am very happy and very satisfied.

This is a baby bird Kutilang, many people are looking for this bird, because this bird has a very beautiful song, this bird often sings in the morning and late afternoon. I was very lucky to be able to get these two baby birds, maybe in the future I will take care of them, but I also feel sorry for taking care of these birds, because birds are free animals.

What do you all think, can I take care of this baby bird?

This baby bird has only hatched one day, it is still very small, I haven't dared to touch it myself, it looks very beautiful, this baby bird is very unique.This baby bird looks very healthy, hopefully it grows up quickly. but what I'm afraid of is that there are predators who will eat this baby bird, that's a serious threat to the mother bird

I will share some pictures of these baby birds here for all my hive friends to enjoy

This is what the nest looks like if taken from a distance

And this is the oil palm tree that the mother bird uses to make its nest

The oil palm tree is not very tall, maybe only grows about 2 meters, so I can reach the bird's nest without having to climb it first.

After taking a few photos during the day, I immediately went home feeling very happy and satisfied. After I do all my activities at home, I sleep for a while, and I wake up in the afternoon, because I'm worried about the baby birds. After that, I went back to visit the baby birds in the afternoon.

And this is what a baby bird looks like if I turn on my cell phone flashlight

I am very happy to see this baby bird growing healthily. When I approached this baby bird, the baby bird immediately opened its mouth wide, this baby bird thought I was its mother bringing them food.

I will continue to guard this nest until the baby bird grows up, because I am afraid that predatory animals will eat the baby bird, and I am also afraid that someone will take the baby bird.

Here are some pictures and stories from me today, I hope you all enjoy my post.

If you like my post, then I succeeded. Because my goal in making posts is to share every moment I have here, and to entertain all my friends with the interesting pictures and stories that I present in each post.Hopefully in the future I can provide better and more interesting stories and pictures

The images and stories are purely mine, I did not plagiarize anything from other people's content, I took the images using an Infinix 10 Pro cellphone and edited the images using the Lightroom application.

See you in my next post❤❤


It's great to see new life and how excited you are to take care of them.
Just a request brother, if possible next time don't take pictures of them using flashlight at least till they become young. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you my friend for visiting.
This is my mistake, I won't do it again, I just hope this baby bird grows up quickly and becomes a beautiful bird❤

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