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RE: Full Of Things in Our Material World But... この物質世界は物であふれかえっていますが… [English and Japanese]

Those are some pretty photos of a hardware store, one of my favorite kind of places.

On the other hand, many people worldwide constantly need food and other necessities. "Why can't we just exchange or donate these things that are just sitting in stores to someone who needs them immediately?" Probably, almost all children ask similar questions to adults. I held similar types of questions when I was little.

That point of yours really caught my attention, nowadays we're surrounded by so many things, hardly any of them are bought by someone so they just stay till on the shelves almost screaming to get an owner and get out of there. I think it would be cool if those things that don´t get bought are transformed into something new, maybe that way they get to obtain an use.


Thank you! Yes, hardware stores are indeed fun places to hang out.

I agree with you that transforming products into something new, instead of keeping them in stock indefinitely, is essential. Hybrid styles are definitely needed in our world. I often think that each family doesn't have to have one car, as the car just sits in front of our houses when not in use, or remains at the dealership if nobody buys it.