Silhouette of Nasi Lemak seller

Yesterday I was having nasi lemak for dinner. I ordered nasi lemak with beef rendang and fried egg. The cost for the nasi lemak that i ordered along with ice tea is around usd2.2

According to wikipedia, nasi lemak is a Malay cuisine that consists of fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf. It is commonly found in Malaysia, where it is considered the national dish. The link to Wikipedia is as below:

The time around 7pm and the sun was setting at background. After i ordered my plate of nasi lemak, i turn around to look at the counter, that is when I notice the silhouette.

Behind the nasi lemak stall, is another stall that is selling char kueytiaw (fried rice noodle). The combination of smoke caused by frying and the sunset golden sunray really made a beautiful silhouette.

I felt that i need to photograph the moment, so I took out my smartphone and opened the camera app. I set the color saturation setting to +2 and contrast to +1. The result are as seen in below pictures.

As for the nasi lemak, it tasted so good. The beef rendang was tender and not that spicy. Maybe I'll come back to try the char kueytiaw.



rosmadi razali