[EN\DE] Concrete Pipes

It is quite rare that you find a construction site that is not walled off. But right in the middle of town we found this storage area full of concrete pipe segments. Pipes give some nice geometric shapes and have a facination of their own, so I headed with a friend there to play around with light a little bit.

Es ist recht selten das man eine nicht abgesperrte Baustelle findet, aber mitten in der Stadt haben wir ein Lager mit großen Betonrohr Segmenten gefunden. Rohre sind für sich schon spannende geometrische Formen und haben eine ganz eigene Faszination also bin ich mit einem Freund dort hin gefahren um etwas mit Licht zu spielen.


Having watched some fantasy movies recently I still had an image of flowing fire and lava in my head... so pipes, flowing fire, a match made in heaven! Used fiber optic cables lit with red and orange to create the fiery flow and added a little blue glow to the surrounding pipes to add contrast. The storehouse in the back was also a nice target to test out a powerful flashlight I recently acquired so decided to light it up too to give the photo a good background.

Da ich vor kurzen ein paar Fantasy Filme geschaut und noch Bilder von fließenden Feuer und Lava im Kopf hatte dachte ich mir Rohre... fließendes Feuer... passt doch perfekt zusammen. Mit rot und orange leuchtenden Glasfaser Kabeln wurde also ein Fluss aus Flammen aus einem Rohr erzeugt und die Rohre daneben mit etwas Blau beleuchtet um einen Kontrast zu erzeugen. Da ich vor kurzen eine neue starke Taschenlampe bekommen bot sich das Lagerhaus im Hintergrund als gutes Testobjekt und prima Hintergrund für das Foto.


Geometric contrasts can also be quite interesting and I had a tool with me that can be used to create perfect squares. So it was a no brainer to fill a pipe with them... just the question where you would pipe squares to?

Geometrische Kontraste können auch sehr interessant sein und ich hatte ein Tool dabei mit dem man perfekte Vierecke erzeugen kann. Also war es klar das ich ein Rohr damit fülle... fragt sich nur wo man Vierecke in Rohren hin leiten würde?


And finally we went a little foolish and thought some of the pipes looked like a face. So said and done some light effects and the pipes smiled for us. Tongue was done with fiber optics and eyes with a glowing acrylic rod.

Am Ende des Abends wurden wir etwas albern und dachten uns ein paar der Rohre sehen doch aus wie ein Gesicht. Also schnell ein paar Lichteffekte und schon lächelten uns die Rohre entgegen. Die Zunge wurde mit einem Glasfaser Kabel gemacht und die Augen mit einem Acryl Stab.

Like all my art all photos were created in front of the camera using camera tricks and lightpainting techniques. no digital manipulation involved in post production.

You can find more of my work and information on my homepage.

Greetings to my friends who practice the same kind of magic @fastchrisuk, @fadetoblack, @lichtkunstfoto, @martbarras, @stepko, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @martbarras, @neilru75, @maxpateau, @mafufuma & @rod.evans.visual


That must be a very long Fibre cable. Very effective. Especially if you crank up the F-Stop. Right? ;-)

It is a 2m long special side glow cable. Pretty bright so no need to go to any special settings.

Super cool work here mate. Beautiful set.

Thanks mate. Was a lot of fun to make these.

So awesome... love it! The flowing fire looks super convincing...!

Thanks, experimented with a lot of things and this technique is one of the most convincing ones.

Yay! 🤗
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This is a beautiful collection of photos! The retouches applied to the photos are also very beautiful. Honestly, this is the first time I've seen a similar job

Thanks, but there is no digital manipulation involved. Everything done in front of the camera, you see what the camera saw.

So I'll congratulate you again because I really don't know how you could have created those plays of light, you are very good, I had not seen similar photographs before made with this technique.

Thanks. It basically is a long exposure in the dark and you light up what you want on the photo with flashlights. For the effects you can use anything that emits light, I wrote what I used below the photos. It is like painting but using the camera sensor as canvas and light as a brush.

Schöne Ergebnisse Dennis und eine nicht abgesperrte Baustelle ist echt selten.

Jepp besonders in größeren Städten wie hier.

I really thought the fire was real! I was wondering how much rubbing alcohol it took to make a fire trail that big until I realized it was a technique!

Haha I think burning alcohol that size would have definitely got me in trouble. Heat wise and sirens too. Yeah it is done just with light and a long exposure.

Great scene and the Strory well implemented.

!discovery light

Thanks. Like to give a little background of my photos.

Piping squares haha. You need a special kind of pump for that! Nice set!

Pump is probably triangle shaped 😅

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot!

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These turned out really cool. I love the first image! It looks like liquid fire pouring out. Great job! =)

Thanks, that was the look I was going for with it ;)
