I am alive challenge Day -179

Today 9th April 7th Ramadan 2022 Every Saturday Saturday Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem All Praises of Great Allah Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Thank you to the great Rabbul Alamin who has kept me and you alive in the world, Shubhar Alhamdulillah who has launched such a beautiful site for us where we can earn money by sharing our daily work.





Life is beautiful but we are scared to see the events that have taken place in today's society. We have a six year old girl who was raped by her cousin and put inside a man's toilet tank. Where is the conscience?
How ruthless a man can be to commit such a heinous act as raping a 6 year old girl.
I don't think there is any security for girls in today's society because only a six year old girl who doesn't know what is in it is that the boy likes the girl.
However, may Allah guide the people and forgive the torment of the girl's grave.
Everyone must worship more and more and be a little careful in our baby lives especially for girls because the world has become so chaotic that there is no shortage of big people in the world. It is very difficult to find all the people People have to think once and for all about how our ancestors are in the grave. We have to go there. We will die one day. Why are you doing such a thing? Why are you so arrogant? Why are you fighting so much? Rape.
I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are


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Ciao mia cara amica... io non riesco a credere che un uomo possa violentare una bambina di 6 anni...
Le considero persone malate... ha distrutto un' intera vita...
Non ci sono parole....