The upper Danube valley near Beuron / Das obere Donautal bei Beuron (2)

English / German



West of Sigmaringen is the small community of Beuron with almost 700 inhabitants. The best-known object is certainly the Benedictine Archabbey Beuron which does not appear in my pictures. I limit myself to the Danube and the surrounding 160 million years of history revealed in the limestone cliffs.


Westlich von Sigmaringen liegt die kleine Gemeinde Beuron mit fast 700 Einwohnern. Das bekannteste Objekt ist sicherlich die Benediktiner-Erzabtei Beuron die in meinen Bilder aber nicht vorkommt. Ich beschränke meine mich auf die Donau und die umliegenden 160 Millionen Jahre Geschichte , die in den Kalkfelsen zum Vorschein kommen.


Countless juvenile fish cavort in the crystal-clear water at the edge of the bank.

Unzählige Jungfische tummeln sich am Uferrand in glasklarem Wasser.



What a beauty! / Was für eine Schönheit!


The view upstream into the Danube valley.

Der Blick flußaufwärts ins Donautal.



And downstream, from Beuron, small boats can be used. As you can see they should be very small. In any case, the campsite at the foot of the limestone cliffs invites you to linger and many hiking tours can be started from here.

Und flußabwärts, ab Beuron ist das Befahren mit kleinen Booten möglich. Wie man sehen kann sollten sie sehr klein sein. Jedenfalls läd der Campingplatz am Fuße der Kalkfelsen zum Verweilen ein und viele Wandertouren könne von hier aus gestartet werden.





Finally, a few postcard motifs that override any concept of time.

Zum Schluß noch ein paar Postkartenmotive die jeglichen Zeitbegriff außer Kraft setzen.




To be continued. / Fortsetzung folgt.

Camera: Canon EOS 200D
Lens: Tamron 70-210 mm, Tamron 10-24 mm
Edit: darktable


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        


These are awesome shots, love the reflections in the first one. Lovely place, thanks for showing us around :)

@tipu curate

I always appreciate your pictures taken it's very beautiful and nice, thanks for sharing

beatifull pictures, thanks for sharing with us

Wow! Wunderschön!

The reflection on the water, the tranquility, and majesty of the scenery is amazing! Thanks for sharing your world.

Wow, these are lovely photos. I did enjoyed the natural landscape and seascape views.

Beautiful photos

Can express my feelings in a single word - "Amazing"

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I've never seen Danube in other places than what you can notice in Romania but it's always a great experience discovering it even if just virtually. I like how it offers a wilder touch on your end. Being the same but yet so different, I love that!

The bridge and reflect of its shadow on water makes an oval shape circle entirely and captured very perfectly, all tje places that you havr in your post is beauty of the nature and something else, i like it very much.

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