Bridge Fetish

Hail to the Hive!

Now I have what I can only describe as a sort of ‘Bridge Fetish’.


I’m not entirely sure what it is abiut these structures along the canals that I love but I find myself scrambling for my phone,camera or go pro almost every time I pass beneath them on our little Narrowboat ‘Badger’.

I am constantly having to quickly adjust the steering as I veer off towards the side of the canal after I have been photographing the underside of the bridge or a shot as we leave one behind.

I love them. They all have a little character of their own and if they could talk I am sure they would have some very interesting stories to tell from their past 200 years of allowing folks to pass over and under them. They would have observed some amazing historical changes in the way we live also.


I guess I kind of see them as working industrial memorials. They make a statement and tell a story. They have history and yet still they have function.


I love them. Maybe I’m a little weird….no wait…I know I am a little weird but I make no apologies for my little fetish and I am not in the least bit ashamed of it.


They’re amazing!




My @pooky-jax is a purchasing agent for the State of Florida DOT bridge dept.

She supplies the maintain/repair crews with the supplies and tools they need.

And I wonder how many millions of bridges I have crossed/over/under in 30+ years..?

Mackinaw Bridge in Michigan...


Chesapeake Bay Bridge VA.

Bay Bridge 2.JPG

I’ve done the Chesapeake bridge tunnel thing myself back in ‘92. Pretty amazing engineering

Well, being weird is one thing and loving bridges is another. I don't think there is anything wrong with loving bridges... especially from your vantage point. Thanks for sharing! Stay weird my friend! hahaha

Haha don’t think I have a choice! Cheers @castleberry 😃

Hahaha good point! =) In that case, we are in the same boat! hahaha

i find arches very pleasing .. and stone ones blend beautifully into the enviroment .. add to it

They really do. The newer bridges lack soul

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Stone bridges are quaint, each town will have a lovely story attached. Historically romantic, something I too would have a fetish about as well.

!BEER - Doesn't as cold as last time 😊

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Those are really beautiful bridges. I can see developing a fetish! Especially because of their rustic quality and the old stone. Ever have to back out because there’s a boat coming from the other direction?

Hey @jayna . Yes one time I literally had to kill the throttle , jump off to the port side( left) with a rope and pull badger to a quick stop as some fool came charging through. Said he had the sun in his eyes but the reality is he was an arsehole haha

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beautiful sky, nice picks😍