Barn Sunrise Shot's #228

"Barn Sunrise"

Shot by Shoemanchu

Date 5-14-24

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Good morning Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, what I got here for you all today are these new shots that I took at one of the locations I have stopped at during this long vacation and these shots here are the shots of the Sunrise over the Barn. I took shots of the Barn and Sunrise for about a week and at some point I will go back to this location and see what I can capture of the full moon at night, never really have done that before but its always worth a shot to see what I can accomplish, so if I am successful I will show you all what I come up with and most likely I will post more shots of these too, since I did get about a weeks worth of this scene. Now lets get into these shots, the first shot, the cover above is so far my favorite one of them, the color is amazing and the fog just sets this scene off in my opinion. I do know once I get to the Sun coming up over this plane, the fog is more burnt off but I wish more of it would stick around as it rises but we will take these shot without a doubt anyways. I did mess up and not create a black and white version of this shot but it still needs to be the cover because I really like it. The second shot below is a shot that I took that was at the same time as the cover but I just like the Sun reflection star look in the first one better but this one is still pretty dang nice as well, I also did make the black and white version to go with this one. To be honest they both pretty much look the same, so they are all nice shots and go together well here on this post.

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Now this shot here, you can see the color change as the Sun rises even more over this awesome scene. To be honest this one right here could be the cover too, I don't normally like the star like shine off the Sun but for some reason I am turning the corner and starting to like it now or is it just because I really like these shots here. It was a nice scene to wake up to for about seven days, I also was up way darker in this area and I haven't seen Bigfoot yet, incase anyone is wondering, Haha.

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Now here in this last shot of the same scene, I thought it would be cool to walk closer to the Barn and get the Sun shinning through, funny thing is I only thought of doing this on the last day here, pretty funny and I do have some more to show later one down the road, I also have some new bird species I have captured too, as well as many more things to come from my trip. I will also be sharing all my older shots that are gone through and ready to present, so stay tuned in and I hope your loving these. I appreciate you all stopping by my blog and post today, really appreciate all the comments, cheers to you all and to all have a blessed Sunday.

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Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.



My apologizes if I used the wrong tags in some communities, I didn't check as I made this new post.

 28 days ago  

These are some amazing shots. #ihatetags

@badge-696969 Thank you, appreciate it.

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