Oh yeah it's duck's session " with a vintage telephoto lens.

Today i had a good opportunity to take some pictures of some duck's in the area to test my new vintage telephoto lens *** Jupiter 21M 200mm f4 adapted to my sony a6000 with M42-Nex adapter because it is M42 screw mount, i bought this lens for about 10$ cheap as always the average price is 70 dollar on the marketplaces like Ebay you can find it between 60$ and 130$ depends on the condition and the accessories.





DSC05661 (1).jpg

This lens actually has a built-in hood


Some pictures of it





Consists of 8 aperture blades what gives it the ability to render a great dreamy and creamy Bokeh, the quality of pictures and sharpness are great when it comes to human portraits or animals the contrast it comes with are good i like how it operates colours، and as they said nothing's perfect and the disadvantages of this of this lens is; sometimes in the harsh lights (sun source) it gives a noticeable chromatic aberration in the highlights (purple,Sky blue), and the weight of this is also a disadvantage it weigh 1kg approximately.


But i enjoyed it even that my arms in pain because of it lol yeah imagine yourself shooting with 1kg lens and the camera about half of kg.

That was a quick kinda of review just to give you a picture about this great lens i have another 200mm f4 i will post about soon stay tuned then hope that you liked this post thanks as always for reading and supporting see you soon.

All the pictures above are mine ©