Time travel, discover history, culture and spirituality through my eyes

in Photography Loverslast year
Authored by @Sreten

I like to connect with my roots and cherish traditions. I am always happy to participate in the customs that we have inherited and try to pass them on to the next generations. Tradition gives me a sense of belonging and togetherness with my family and people.


History fascinates me and I always try to learn more about the past. When I travel, I visit different sights, from churches and monasteries to fortresses and museums. In those moments, I feel as if I am a part of history and that the secrets of the past are being revealed to me.
My attitude towards religion is very important to me. I love my Orthodox faith and visit church regularly. However, I also respect all other faiths and confessions. I think that everyone has the right to believe in what suits them best and that it is a matter of personal choice. It is important to me to respect all people, regardless of what they believe or who they believe.


Overall, my love for tradition, history and religion makes me happy and fulfilled. These are the values that help me to be a better person, to be aware of my history and culture and to respect the diversity that makes us unique. I believe that this is a key factor for living together and for maintaining peace and harmony in society.
Also, I like to socialize and meet new people. I don't limit myself to people who share the same views as me, but I am open to different ideas and opinions. I believe that everyone can contribute in their own way and that diversity is what makes us unique and rich.


In addition, I try to live my life according to my values. I always strive to be honest, responsible and treat others with kindness and compassion. I think that these qualities are important not only for my personal development, but also for creating a positive atmosphere in the society in which I live.
As I said before, faith is very important to me, but I don't feel that I should impose my views on others. Instead, I try to be a good example and respect different world views. I believe it is a way to build peace and understanding among different people.


In short, my way of life is imbued with love for tradition, history, religion and people. I try to be a good person, to act according to my values and to make the world a better place for all of us.


One of my favorite activities is visiting churches and monasteries. I like to admire architecture and works of art, but also to feel the spirituality and peace that these sacred spaces emit. I also like to explore the history behind these buildings and learn more about the people and events that marked their past.
However, my curiosity is not limited to churches and monasteries. I like to research everything related to the history and culture of my people, but also of other peoples and countries. Also, I enjoy visiting museums and forts, where I can learn more about history, art and the way of life in past times.


When it comes to my faith, I consider it an integral part of my personality. The Orthodox faith gives me strength and hope, but I also respect other religions and beliefs. I believe that it is everyone's right to freely choose their religion and I pray that tolerance and understanding prevail among people.


After all, I love people and consider them to be the most precious part of my life. I try to nurture friendships and be there for my loved ones. At the same time, I am open to new acquaintances and willing to listen to their stories and understand their experiences. I believe that we are all part of the same world and that together we can create a better future.


In short, I am a person who likes to explore the past, cherish traditions and live according to my values. My faith gives me strength, and people bring me joy and meaning in life. I try to be a positive example and make the world a better place for all of us.