Photojournalist : Yiannis Behrakis

Even if you didn't know the name of the leading and multi-awarded Yiannis Behrakis, who, among other things, was the head of the photography department of Reuters in Greece, you would surely have seen some of his images. I can safely bet that in some of your internet browsing you came across his photos of the refugee crisis, for which he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 2015.

A father holding his daughter in his arms. He had stated that " When I saw this image, this man holding his daughter, it looked like Superman to me. It's covered in this superman berta-like garbage bag. He is Syrian. He kisses his daughter and gave me the feeling of any father protecting his child. Walking through the storm to reach the dream."

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That's quite some life lived, I don't know if he wanted haunted by the war images and things be experienced, but he seemed to me like a great photographer like you've mentioned, such a sad way to end everything

I thing witnessing such pain and atrocities definitely left scars !

That's absolutely true though, our minds react differently to many things.

I want at my funeral, to enjoy life and hope

Inspiring talks.
May his soul keep resting in peace

Yiannis Behrakis is really an iconic figure not only in the world of photography but In the world of journalism. A great man that gave his all for the camera.

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