Cloudy Day at the Lake

Behind Clouds

Happy Father's Day. I am hanging at the lake on this #SublimeSunday (by @c0ff33a).


I have lots of sunny, summer pictures of the lake but this #BeautifulSunday (by @ace108) is a cloudy day.


This is from the northern end of the lake, the opening between the trees leads out onto the lake from the public boat launch.

Whispy CLouds

Here's my favorite spot on the south end of the lake.

Cloudy 2

The sun was out in the morning but it was overcast most of the day. But every day at the lake is a good one 🙂


What a stunning spot to live by. It's not fathers day in Oz, but happy father's day to you.

Thanks. Its always fun to check out the lake. It has so many different moods depending on the weather.

Yay! 🤗
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Some parts of it still looks quite clear. I don't mind bit of cloudy as long as the rain don't come.

No rain this day and the clouds kept it a little cooler. Nice day.

Good cloud cover.

@steven-patrick, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
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Seems a perfect place for a lazy Sunday! !BEER

Yeah nice place to chill 👍

Looks like a great way to spend Fathers Day.


Yep. Pretty chill. Both my boys weren't home so it was just relax.


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