This week at the lake


Its winter in Vermont.


Cloudy and overcast most days lately.

Hidden in clouds

The fog and clouds sometimes obscure the view of Mount Moosalamoo on the other side of the lake.

White out

Sometimes its completely whited out.

Floating in the clouds

The view of the mountain is varied and pretty in the winter.


The snow (and light) was only on the peak today.


Back home I am still doing clean up from the Christmas week storm. I rented a bigger chainsaw to clear the tree that fell on the power lines in front of my house. Thats a 20" chainsaw. The base of the tree was probably 28" across.


Mostly I wanted to get the tree off my lawn but I kind of like the look of the tree stacked on the edge of my yard.

Warming up

Things are slow this time of year. Lots of mornings are just starting a fire and warming up like at this cabin along the lake.
Happy Sunday #sublimesunday #beautifulsunday


Yay! 🤗
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Beautiful captures of the winter.
Great work on the cleaning up of the tree. It does look pretty now they are stacked up on the edge of the yard.
Have a great Sunday!

Thanks littlebee. I've always wanted to put a "corner" on that edge of the yard.

You are welcome 👋🏻😊
Sometimes it does work better…

Nice! If you leave the wood that close to the street in my neighborhood, it will be gone soon... A lot of folks have to take down trees for fire hazard issues and just leave free rounds by to road instead of hauling them away.

I would probably be ok with that... this is white pine that has a lot of sap in it 😉 although I kind of like the way it looks with the stone wall.

Are you sure it was the storm that made the tree fall? I suspect that Santa with his sleigh was on its way home and was celebrating a little too hard after his night of work 😀

It looks really frozen all over the lake now.

Yep its getting colder. Usually in January people start ice fishing but ice isn't thick enough quite yet.

I hope you guys manage to get some fishing