Last summer pictures Germany

Artlike photo shoots from my last trip to Germany, summer 2022.

Picture from the Harbor Hamburg.

I forgot to post my last photos from Germany here, because in Uganda #Ecency was hardly reachable. It took month to discover that I only need a VPN to access the blockchain. So we are living in an age of infowar (controll of information), war against money laundry (controll of money) or just more dysfunctionally (we're all getting older in a world with less children). So Fifi Forget-me-not forgot. But now I post. Please check out my Blog for more pictures.

Taken from the Burger King - yes they do have veggie burgers - in the main train station.

But this is the train station in Bremen, where I maked a break.

Another perspective.

Bremen in evening mood.

The crooked house in St.Pauli. It was fascinating to took a photo. I definitely think this house is not geometrical.

Hamburg park with old woman.

Nostalgic feelings

Quick shoots I

Quick shoots II

Harbor II

Harbor III

Now last two pictures from the airport. Everybody at the gate became quiet seeing this beast arriving. It took us from Hamburg to the Emirates. There a smaller plane took me back to Uganda.

Feel free to comment which photo you like most or your questions about the circumstances of the photos

Back home


Love the Monochromes of the photo.
Wow, I didn't realize you couldn't access Ecency in some part of the world.

It's not permanently. Perhaps 90% of the day. I can't access the hive blogchain. No posting, voting, comments. With a VPN I don't have this problems.

That's shocking.
It's like complete control of information. Full blown censorship that

Yes social media are blocked in Uganda. Facebook, What's up, Instagram and many more. You have to pay a gossip tax to reach them. But better to take VPN. It's Africa here. Not everything perfect.

!discovery 27

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