Sublime Sunday Botanicals for Photography Lovers - by Sunscape

in Photography Lovers4 months ago


It is starting to snow once again as I sit at the computer going through photos from the many gardens surrounding my home.

Already, I have started a few perennial seeds like Foxglove, Echinacea, and Delphinium, oh and some Columbine too. I wanted to get a good start on them so I can have some good-sized plants come spring.


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Today, I will share some of the photos that I am getting ready to delete from this computer to start with fresh photos in the future.



I love Daisy and of course "Sunscape" is my all-time favorite and where I took my screen name from.


Next up, is the Gerbera Daisy which is another one of my favs for the butterfly garden. Look at that vibrant orange, how could you not love adding this color to the flower bed.

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Shasta Daisy are also very pretty with pale yellow or bright white, I love them both.



Every year I grow a lot of Salvia in different shades to plant all around my home. They are super attractors for the pollinators and I always see the Hummingbirds drinking from them all summer long.




Purchasing a hanging Fushia plant will be one of my top priorities when the local nursery opens. I adore the blossoms on this plant and they remind me of ballerinas dancing in the wind.


I have actually seen the Hummingbirds searching the flowers for nectar.



I always, yes every single year, I plant two or three flats of these neon Impatiens. Many go into hanging baskets for my porch and the rest get planted on the north side of my home. This is another Hummingbird favorite and the bees love them too.




This week I also planted three different colors of Petunias to use in a few hanging baskets and container gardens around my patio.

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I really like the way the tiny Petunias fill out a container garden and for some reason, I seem to be attracted to peach flowers for the upcoming season.

Morning Glory Vine


This was a pretty double pink Morning Glory that I grew last summer. It was very pretty but I did not get a lot of flowers for some odd reason. Yesterday I bought seeds for a blue Picotee Morning Glory vine to plant under one of my trellises.

I lost two of my beautiful Clematis vines this last year and now I am leaning towards using Morning Glories to fill in the empty spaces.



This was one of the Clematis Vines that I lost and it was such a beautiful display when it bloomed. I am really going to miss having her on the trellis.



The shade gardens would not be complete if I didn't plant a few Coleus plants around the ferns. I will have to get some started within the next two weeks.

Yes, it is that time of year for me already. I have seeds germinating already and I am planning out where I will be placing all my vegetables in the large garden this spring. There is so much to do and before I know it February will have flown by me and it will be time to set up the greenhouse for another season.

Thank you @c0ff33a for the #SublimeSunday community and @ace108 for creating #BeautifulSunday where we can share our photos and thoughts with others.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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the photo you shared looks very good and very beautiful

Thank you very much.

You are welcome

Such beautiful flowers! But I must say that morning glory didn’t much look like one.

I’m still a long way from starting stuff…

What a beautiful photos😍😍😍

Awe thanks, sweetie.

You are welcome my dear. I Hope everything is good with you✨💕

It will be a pitty to delete any of these lovely flowers photos here.