unique bush plant

in Photography Lovers9 months ago

Hello hive friends

Today I found a unique plant. I could say this is a bush that spreads on the ground and also climbs up low trees, just like cucumbers or something similar. Where I live, this plant is not rare if we want to look for it and photograph it.

Maybe in general many people just take the flowers for posting, but the flowers are also quite nice, with a deep yellow color that grows on a single stem, I even photographed the flowers in cinematic mode. However, there are many things that we can take from this plant, even down to the leaves, we will do that another time.

I'm starting to want to understand all objects that don't have to be flowers, there are even some ideas that I will find to start editing things through images. Now I will share some pictures of my catch today.






Take picture
Camera:Vivo x60
Edit: Lightroom
Location: Aceh


excellent photo capture, I had never seen this species of lemons with tips. I really don't know what they are

Yes, this fruit is not cultivated, but grows on bushes. and many birds eat this fruit.

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