Cars from the car show

Cars from the car show

Good Morning all, as is my habit on Saturdays I am sharing some shots of car shows I visited this year, and today some more from a 60s themed night in the historic district here in New Bedford. it was a cool event as not only did so many cars turn up for people to see but they had a few vendors in spots around the streets as well as three spots where live music was being played, but I didn't stay too long as it got quite crowded and I really do not like crowds, yeah I know you can feel free to call me anti-social LOL

For this weeks post I will share a few shots with not so much of a theme to them, some from the side streets and some just at random
This first one is on one of the Side streets off the main Street which was the busiest area while I was there, cars were still arriving and being directed to this and other side streets to park at this time
Quite a mix of car style sint hsi shot from modern to classic

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 125
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As I said soem cars where just arriving this driver clearly clocke dme as I was taking this photos

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Sony A7iv 47mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 100
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A nice vette and I gather the owner sitting behind it

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 125
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Another Vette this one with a couple of stuffed toys on the hood

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Sony A7iv 34mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 160
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As you can see there was for sure a lot of Vettes that turned up for this event

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Sony A7iv 46mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 200
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And another of the side streets complete with cobblestones

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A couple of more modern cars

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and then a classic Caddy

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Now the theme seems to be changing to dark cars

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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pixresteemer(1/5) tipped @tattoodjay

What a great way to spend the weekend, enjoying beautiful car shows.
The collection that you show us on this occasion is beautiful.
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend dear friend @tattoodjay

Love the Corvettes! Also the Chargers. I’ve always one of those!

it looks like james bond' car was in there

All the pictures are nice. I love the second to the last one more. Looked like Dominic Toretto’s.. lol

Good documentation of the surroundings and nice cars, thanks for sharing.

That silver car just showing up was a Ford Falcon I think. Funny how they restore cars and they are beautiful. My sister had a Falcon that was a disaster. Dropped the transmission on the driveway not long after she bought it lol

Oh my... :/ Amazing models...

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