Market Friday Cisco Breweries Restaurant and Bar

Market Friday Cisco Breweries Restaurant and Bar

A post for Market Friday hosted by @dswigle, if you haven't followed her yet you should she is one of the kindest and most supportive people here on Hive, a comment from her is like a ray of sunshine on your page.
This is the one tag and challenge that I always make a point of joining, and also look through the posts of others that join the challenge and seeing markets from all around the world.

For this weeks post, I am sharing some shots taken around the Cisco Breweries Restaurant and Bar here in New Bedford, on the water near East Beach.

Starting with this shot of this tent/Marque at one end of the Cisco area hard to tell from this shot they have chairs and tables in there so its a spot people can sit outdoors and not be in the sun.
No one in there at the time, but thats not surprising its early morning the colors in the sky are of the sunrise, and this place is more popular for the lunch and dinner crowd.

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Sony A7iv 28mm F11 13.2 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

As I said the place is by the water and this is the view the guest see looking out over the water.

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 2.5 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And a shot of the main building with some nice sunrise colors in the sky, the restaurant has quite a few areas to eat and drink, both indoors, the deck you can see on the right and plenty of outdoor areas

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Sony A7iv 21mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Looking in from one of the car parks

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Sony A7iv 21mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
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and from one corner looking into the grounds as you can see they have some chairs around a fire pit in this corner, and you can see a few containers around which have bene converted for use as bar or food service.

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 0.6 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and a shot of the outdoor area, again empty as the place wasnt open, but in the even in the summer months this place gets packed

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

TEAMUSAhive JJ.jpg

!pinmapple 41.609978 lat -70.905548 long Cisco Breweries New Bedford MA d3scr


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oh that's a lovely third picture!!! sometimes a picture of an empty place can feel desolate but that one gives a feel of ... anticipation! for when the party starts hehehehe

I like the one with the table and chairs too's kinda like getting ready before an event! and just waiting waiting waiting hehehe

good morning weretwin 🐺🤗

Good Morning
and thanks for such kind feedback I like your take not so much desolate but rather waiting for the fun to begin

hehehe half full! lol 😂

Ohh yeah got to look on the bright side of life :)

Wow, that is quite the outdoor area. I think you have showed parts of it in the past, but this really gives the full scope of it. It looks like an awesome place to hang out!

Yes I have shared shots of it before but tried to show different perspectives today

You definitely accomplished that! Great shots!

Thanks and have a great weekend

@tattoodjay In fact, I never stop looking for new friends here, and when I checked it turned out that I had been following him for a long time. @dswigle
okay actually i want to say that the burning sky picture there is very beautiful, i will enjoy that beauty till dark, in that picture you can see the bridge has reflection in the water, that is very cool.

That third shot with the sunrise and the main building is really nice. You should sell it to the biz for use in ads 🙂

Thanks for your feedback, the third photo seems ot be the most popular

Man you find the best places and get the perfect angles on each to share. You have some epic walks my friend.

Thanks resorting to old walks a lot at the moment not getting out anywhere near as much as I was last year

The glow of a pink sky always gets me , more wonderful shots @tattoodjay and happy #marketfriday

Ohh yeah me to I love when mother nature gives those nice pastel colors

Awesome! Great detail 😊Technically brilliant as always.
Really nice combination of nature and the market.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

That place is big, fully packed must be a great party, btw great pictures the water looks so calm and the colors of the sky, I always enjoy been close to the coast, everything is so clean even the skies

Ohh yeah I have driven past a couple of times at night in summer and it is packed and rocking with live bands playing

Thanks for your kind comment and support

Wow, very beautiful place and it is very perfect for travel adventure. I always wanted to go to a place just like that.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Have great day to you also my friend.

thank you

As always wonderful pictures, that looks like a nice place to relax and unwind. Have a drink or two with some friends reminiscing on the good old days.
Thank you for sharing and do enjoy the upcoming weekend :}

It is a very popular place, gets very crowded on a summers day

That area must be filled with people especially during warm evenings.
What a nice place to hang out!

Ohh yeah it truly does get packed and is very popular

I bet you sometime go there... and unwind!

Who Knows I hate crowds so its ot really my thing but my wife loves live music so maybe this Summer
