Market Friday Which came first the chicken or the egg

Market Friday Which came first the chicken or the egg

A post for Market Friday hosted by @dswigle, if you haven't followed her yet you should she is one of the kindest and most supportive people here on Hive, a comment from her is like a ray of sunshine on your page.
This is the one tag and challenge that I always make a point of joining, and also look through the posts of others that join the challenge and seeing markets from all around the world.

For this weeks post, I was a little at a loss as to what to share, I have some photos I was thinking of sharing but I really wanted to get some new shots for this weeks post and when I visited Shaws supermarket yesterday to pick up some things I thought why not het shots of what I was buying along with the prices so people can compare prices here with what they pay.

Here there has been an egg shortage and people have bene posting all kinds of memes online about the crazy prices for eggs, so the first shot I got was for a dozen eggs $6.99
Now I haven't bought eggs for a while to be honest and I did not buy eggs yesterday either but I did check out the prices of them I think at one stage I saw them at close to $10 for a dozen in another supermarket a while back so maybe the prices of them have dropped a bit


Now on to what I did actually buy yesterday, my wife and I have bene making an effort to eat healthier and we have bene having salads a lot more so I picked up one of these salad kits which we both enjoy and it was on sale for $3.99


Along with the Cesar Salad I picked up a bit of this crunchy Vege Salad, which the first time i grabbed it I thought it looked far to healthy and thought I would not enjoy it, but we are really enjoying it as well, it cost $7.99 a pond but I only got a small container of it to go with the salad


And along with the salads we have some chicken, I actually got some chicken breasts, but seems I took a photo of Chicken Tenders so including that here


And the other thing I picked up was some water $5.99 for 24 .5 litre bottles


How do these prices compare with what you are paying?

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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The egg;
When an egg is laid you can wash it so it won’t incubate, and it takes a few days for the egg to incubate the yolk, so yes the egg came first 😊
You click market photography is a simple way. Keep making more. You're one of my favorites. ❤

Yum! Chicken Tenders! It is so infrequent that my wife and I go to the store anymore. We started having our groceries shipped to us during Covid and we just never went back. We actually find we spend a lot less this way. Eggs are nuts lately. Luckily I am the only one that eats them. My wife mostly does whites that we buy at Costco.

I probably should go less to the supermarket, and but ahead, but my wife is terrible for knowing what she wants to eat a day in advance let alone a few days LOL

Ah, that makes sense then. My wife plans all the meals each week and cooks them on the weekend so we can just throw them in the oven to heat up when we get home. That helps. We still stroll through Costco every other week.

We used to do that when I worked, now that I have the time to pickup what we need each day or two and we have slipped into that habit

Prices are getting crazy. I found out that the local chicken farm sells eggs with hair line cracks for $1.50 a dozen! They have regular eggs too from $3.50 to $4.50 per dozen for brown, white, large, x-large, etc. Great prices anyway you look at it.

I can't believe it's #marketfriday already, I've already posted today ,but maybe I should cobble together images from my last shop :) Eggs are really going up, but thankfully I have hens :) I'm going to be adding to their number this year too. I LOVE salad and eat it everyday, my favourite meal really.

chicken and salad, nice, thats a quick meal i get any day, since last year im also eating healthy, had to make a change if not i was going to self destruct at that pace, went from 22o pounds to 164 in 3 months just by cutting carbs and sugars plus exercise, one day saw a friend in the same conditions as i was and thought "i dont want to end up like that" , saw the magic pill documentary and that was it, hole new eating habits, thx for sharing ✌️


The egg came first.


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Best / Namaste,

Thanks I must look into Virtual Growth


Hallo @tattoodjay !

Thank you for your contribution. I must honestly admit that I am a little envious. You post a few pictures with egg cartons and get almost 300 likes. I don't begrudge you from the bottom of my heart. It would be just nice if I would also get so many likes.
Would you like to support me? It's so hard with a 63 reputation to somehow draw attention to my own posts.

Thank you very, very much. @missagora