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RE: Photography for Techno

James your posts are always so different and thoughtful and therefore interesting!

Really interesting about what artwork represents Techno. For me this particular one seems a little bit much to represent minimal techno - as it's actually quite a complex steel girder. But this is way way subjective of course! I like the idea of looking for photos and 'real life' to use for album artwork for sure - I will have to start bearing that in mind when I'm out and about!

For some of my earlier streams I was doing them in the building works of what would become our house extension and every week building some kind of set out of whatever the builders had left around. I quite liked that building site aesthetic for my modular electronic music anyway - and would definitely consider trying to recreate this with a real building site or industrial setting for a future stream or video!

Not a great picture but here's an idea...

Live Stream 4 Close up.png