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RE: The fountain pump broke down.

Excellent images my friend. I love pigeons, Whenever I go out in the city and see them eating in the streets or as in this case in the fountains, I stop to appreciate their beauty. It's funny how they learn that if they come close to you there may be a chance that you will give them food. 😅The truth is that they are very intelligent animals 👌.

On the other hand, fish are not far behind. They also learn what one can feed them. And it's great to see how animated they get when you grant their wish.🙌😅.

In the case of your post, you have captured images with high level of detail. In both cases you can appreciate the majesty of these beautiful animals 🤩.

I would certainly like to see a publication with the fountain working 👍.

Well friend, a 10/10 publication have a great day. Best regards.🤝🤝


Thank you and we love all kinds of birds. I especially wanted to show how the birds can overcome problems, as even though the fountain was not working, the birds still carried on like normal.
When some humans get a problem, they jump around and shout, as if the world is ending !LOLZ

Fish are creatures of habit and even though the know the feeding times, they still take a chance in case there's a luck that some visitor will also feed them.
I said elsewhere that I will do a post when the fountain is in full operation.
Glad that you liked the post.