Say Hello To This Cute Arachnid~! <3

Are you afraid of spiders? Well, a lot of people are. We can't blame them, though. Some spiders are too big, most of them are creepy, and in some cases, they can be dangerous as well. However, I think some spiders are also cute.

This morning, I went out to my mama's garden to capture some pictures. I did take several interesting pictures, but I'll share them next time. Anyway, while I was in the garden, my papa called me and said that there's a small jumping spider in our store's door. I thought that it's a nice chance, so I went there and took some pictures.

I took the following pictures using my smartphone, Samsung A50s and I also attached a macro lens on my phone camera for a better view. In addition, the pictures you're about to see are edited using PhotoScape.





Isn't it a cutie? haha This jumping spider is actually pretty small. It's even smaller than a fingernail and it moves pretty fast. Good thing is that it was quite cooperative while I was taking its pictures. Thank you spidey!

In the future, I'd like to take pictures of more stuff. It's really fun and also a good stress reliever. I may not be that good at taking photos, but I find joy in doing so. Let's capture every moment!


Soooo cuteee! :) Those eyes :D <333

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

right? it's so adorable~ :) Thanks for dropping by!

You really see its eyes...nice 😁

Thank you~! And yes... its eyes are so cute, aren't they? :)