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RE: "Carpenter Bee": A Series of Insect Photographs With an Old Nikon D300

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

And here I was thinking I was the poetic one. It is always refreshing to see or read someone else getting lost in the happy moments we capture or have shrouding our reflections of past times.

If we forget to live in the now, the memories we so badly replay in our heads as beautiful as they are inhibit us from trying to replace them yet we crave to prolong their familiarity as the infinite present scares the hell out of it.

We are so fragile it humbles me.

Beautiful shots 💚


Thank you so much for your kind words. I merely took inspiration from your post and musings.

Sometimes you just want to get drenched in the past as the present is this weird mixture of to come and what has been, a really uncanny feeling to be honest. I think that is why so many artists live in the past, or at least that how I see it.

And yes, we are so fragile. I study philosophy in the space of counselling, and it’s for me this double edged sword: some people need to be complacent and ignorant as the “truth” (whatever it might be) will scare them and break the fragile whole they were. Some people need that fragile veil broken so that they can see clearly.

You are so right, we are fragile o so fragile.

Thank you for musing along!