Water droplets photography with the VivoPhone ZEISS lense

Since few days ago we are focusing back on Hive and have discovered that it offers a lot of cool contests. We have discovered the Photo Quest Competition with this weeks topic of droplets photography.

Here is our favourite photo of water drop on the mushroom in the north German forest.



We love this weeks topic. It's amazing as water can be found in three different states: liquid(water), gas(fog) or solid(ice). As well it can be shaped by environment, thoughts and emotions. This was discovered by Dr. Masaru Emoto in 1975.

Some days ago we've watched a very interesting documentary on water. We really recommend you to see it. Biggest discovery is that water has memory, which seems incredible!
Here is the link to the documentary:



Photographer, Nature kid, Wildlife, Explorer, Cinematography, video making, The Footprint Brand, Follow Us ❤️