📷 A View of The Shard [EN/DE]

30mm - F2.8 - 1/125 sec. - ISO160

"The Shard" has been London's tallest building for over ten years now and was even the tallest skyscraper in Europe for a few months. I was looking for an interesting angle on this landmark of the British metropolis and found it on Southwark Bridge. Here I used one of the windows in the bridge pillars as a frame. Fortunately, a plane was flying by at the time, which I was able to use for the image composition as well.

"The Shard" ist nun bereits seit über zehn Jahren, das höchste Gebäude von London und war sogar für einige Monate der höchste Wolkenkratzer Europas. Ich suchte nach einem interessanten Blickwinkel auf dieses Wahrzeichen der britischen Metropole und fand diesen auf der Southwark Bridge. Hier nutzte ich eines der Fenster in den Brückenpfeilern als Rahmen. Glücklicherweise flog gerade ein Flugzeug vorbei, das ich ebenfalls in die Bildkomposition einbauen konnte.

Camera: Sony A7RIII
Lens: Sony 16-35mm F2.8 GM

See you soon!/Bis bald!


Check out my other recent posts:

📷 Raindrops on a Railing [EN/DE]

📷 A unique view of St Paul's Cathedral [EN/DE]

📷 Puddle Reflection Shots in London [EN/DE]


It is a really impressive building, the photo was a little dark, but I understand that the angle had a lot to do with it.

I wanted it to look that dark and edited it in that way, but yes, it's a matter of taste 😊

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