Kivach Waterfall and Girvas paleovolcano

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Hi. One day we boarded a train and went to Karelia. Just without any goals and objectives. I just wanted to go somewhere far away from civilization. From the hustle and bustle of city life and various problems related to making money and other difficulties.

I had never been to these places before and therefore had no idea what to expect from meeting them. Upon arrival in the city of Petrozavodsk, we boarded a small minibus and went to the taiga.

Our first stop was, as it turned out, at a famous place. It is the largest plain waterfall in Europe. It is called Kivach and is located on the Sune River. Once upon a time, many years ago, it was much larger than today's size. But a power plant was built upstream of the river and the water pressure became much lower.

To people unfamiliar with Karelia, it may seem that there is not so much variety with the color palette. Grey stones and a green forest. But this is not the case. There are many mosses and lichens of various colors on the stones. And the stones themselves also have many different shades.

The second stage in our stops was the ancient Girvas volcano. It is so ancient that if you do not know that it is the mouth of a volcano, you will never guess yourself.

This is the oldest volcano on the planet! It is estimated to be billions of years old. Once there was a mountain six kilometers high. Now this place just looks like a riverbed. But the lava that forms its shores is clearly visible.

There is a small hydroelectric power station nearby. I'm not sure if it works.
Being in front of this natural monument, you can't help but be amazed at its grandiose size. And all this beauty will not fade over the years. It will last for billions of years. We will be gone, but she will be.

I would have liked to stay here longer, but we still had about 10 hours to drive and we wanted to arrive at our destination before dark.


Wasn't it dangerous to walk along the shore of the waterfall?

If you don't take risks, then it's safe there ;)

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